Apni Pathshala


When you walk into Bal Vikas Montessori School, you see more than just classrooms and chalkboards. You see change. What was once a typical school with basic facilities is now a model school. Thanks to the incredible efforts of Apni Pathshala, which brought a new wave of technology in classrooms. In just 1.5 years, a revolution took place. And this is their story. The Beginning of a New Era! Located in an underprivileged area, Bal Vikas Montessori School primarily educates children from families who cannot afford schooling, let alone digital education. In this environment, Apni Pathshala saw an opportunity to introduce technology in classrooms to these students. By partnering with PRAHO to provide mini-PCs and earphones, they took a huge step forward in digital learning. Before using digital tools, teachers had to spend many hours creating report cards by hand. This took a lot of time. But with PRAHO’s computers, ApniPathshala made a big change. Now, teachers could easily make report cards on the computer, giving them more time to focus on teaching. This change was just the start of a big transformation! Empowering Teachers: From Basic Knowledge to Digital Experts Many of the teachers at Bal Vikas had very little to no experience with technology in classrooms. Most only knew the basics – turning on a computer, typing, and using a mouse. But with ApniPathshala’s learning pods in place, everything started changing. ApniPathshala didn’t just provide the hardware, they provided guidance and a vision. Vision to grow as an individual and build a better future for kids At first, teachers weren’t sure how to fit computers into their daily work. To help them out, coordinators were assigned. One such coordinator is Ms. Anjali, who handles the whole learning pod in Bal Vikas Montessori School. She told us that every Saturday, she connected with teachers and students to discuss how the week went by. She made sure everyone was making progress and all problems were solved. Little by little, teachers gained confidence. As teachers learned, they helped the children to learn even faster. The change was amazing. These teachers, who once found computers tricky, were now enjoying the whole process. A New Way of Learning: Digital Education But the biggest transformation came with the students. And that’s what matters the most, isn’t it? ApniPathshala’s learning pod opened a world of opportunities for the kids. The classes from 1st to 8th were taught at Bal Vidya. Most of them had never touched a computer before. Forget other things—they didn’t even know how to use a mouse! But with PRAHO’s computers, they got introduced to technology in classrooms and these children eventually became confident digital learners. In the first year, the syllabus was kept simple to help students get comfortable with the basics. By the second year, as their confidence grew, the school upgraded the syllabus. By 7th grade, students were creating email accounts, designing posters on Canva, and even learning no-code website development.  One of the most exciting parts of this journey was the introduction of “BeyondExams” courses. These courses exposed students to content beyond traditional textbooks- AI, Coding, Designing, Excel etc. The kids were thrilled to learn new things. And the best part? They didn’t want to keep this knowledge to themselves. This was one of the most fulfilling moments as their educators for us- they started teaching other children in their community who didn’t have the same access to resources. It became a beautiful cycle of sharing and spreading knowledge. And we couldn’t be more proud! Fun learning through Games and Interaction One of the ways ApniPathshala kept the students engaged was by making them learn through games. By introducing fun apps like Duolingo, learning became an exciting activity. Students could play educational games, create their own content, and even help one another understand difficult concepts. The joy of learning was everywhere- from video editing to games that taught them key skills in different subjects. Kids who didn’t like studying subjects like Physics, were now eagerly waiting for their chance to answer. For complex subjects like maths and social sciences, the teachers were asked to provide the kids some YouTube videos and animated lessons, making these topics more interesting and fun. Instead of just reading and gulping down the words, those kids started to visualise the concepts. This made them understand and learn those difficult topics. This practice eventually reduced the stress and burden of traditional studying. What’s the end goal? ApniPathshala has always aimed for self-sufficiency. “AatmaNirbhar Bharat” . Their goal was simple: teach students enough so they could learn on their own and, even more importantly, pass on their knowledge to others. The coordinators played a key role in making this happen, guiding both teachers and students along the way. As a result, many older students became mentors for the younger ones, helping them with different topics. Now, the school is full of kids who aren’t just taking knowledge but creating it. They’re designing, coding, and learning valuable skills that will benefit them for life. In fact, these students are now so comfortable with technology in classrooms that they can manage the computer labs and help their mates, even when a teacher isn’t around. Overcoming Challenges! Of course, you cannot expect such a change without challenges. Some teachers felt overwhelmed by the new responsibilities and the extra studying. A few even decided to leave. But for most, the joy of seeing their students learn new things was enough to motivate them. “It was a little extra, but we’ll do that for our kids,” one teacher said. Another challenge was making sure students didn’t just use technology in a passive way. ApniPathshala solved this issue by encouraging creative freedom. Students were inspired to design and create what they want. Whether it was making a poster on Canva, editing videos, or building websites, the message was simple: learn, create, and share! A Legacy of Learning! “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the


Imagine a world where children are more than excited to study. A world where they don’t get burned out due to academic stress. A world where they wait for mondays more than the usual sundays. Well, with the arrival of learning pods, this may now be a reality. This is the magic of learning pods- a system that breaks the shackles of traditional classrooms and invites students into a nurturing learning environment making study fun and interesting.  You must have heard a lot about learning pods, especially after Covid-19, but what are they exactly, how do they work and why do we need them?  What is a learning pod? Before we understand “why do we need learning pods?”, it’s essential to clear the basics. So, a learning pod is basically a small group of students (‘micro school’) who study together outside of a regular school, often in someone’s home or a local community space. These groups are alternative education methods, usually led by a tutor, teacher, or even a parent, offering a more personalised learning experience. Learning pods are smaller than traditional classrooms. There are n number of benefits of small group learning. Children who might feel ignored or lost in the traditional classrooms of 50-60 students, get proper guidance and attention here. Also, this allows the lessons to be more specific to their individual learning styles. And these pods are just not limited to bookish knowledge and academics, they go beyond it by focusing on students’ emotional and social growth.  Why do we need learning pods? Now that you have a clear idea of what are learning pods, it’s time to understand the “why” behind the idea. 1. Personalised Learning Experience  In a traditional classroom with 30-40 students, it’s tough for teachers to give everyone the attention they need. Let’s be honest, it’s not even possible. Some students excel, while others may feel left out. This is where learning pods stand out. With only 5 to 10 students in a group, learning pods offer a much more personalised and focused environment- providing them the benefits of small group learning. In these smaller settings, teachers can give lessons as per child’s learning pace, strengths, weakness etc. If one student is great at maths but struggles with reading, the teacher can adjust the course and content to help them grow in both areas. Similarly, if a child loves arts more than science, they can explore their interests more freely. Learning pods make sure that every student can learn in their own way, without the pressure of keeping up with an entire class. I bet this is what we all desperately wanted when we were kids. But, nonetheless- better late than never! 2. Bridging the Gaps in Traditional Education Secondly, learning pods help in closing those gaps that are left in traditional schooling. How? Let’s see. Being completely honest, traditional schools, with their strict schedules and rigid course structure, don’t always work for every child. And, that is the reason why this notion of schools being the villain was born. Because, it’s very obvious that some kids learn best by doing practical activities like games, while others prefer in smaller and quieter settings. And a normal traditional school cannot do that. But, learning pods? They are way ahead in this game. Here, learning isn’t rushed or limited  to a rigid schedule. It’s flexible, engaging, and moves at the pace of each child. Instead of just quickly going through the course material to prepare for the test, kids get to explore subjects that genuinely interest them. Most importantly, they have the freedom to study more about the topics they like. In an interview with people managing learning pods at different locations, one thing that was almost the same every time- kids staying longer than usual hours to study because of their passion and love for that subject/ topic. You wouldn’t see things like this happening in a traditional school setup. 3. Emotional Well-being and Social Connections As per a report, about one-thirds (32.6%) of the students were symptomatic of psychiatric caseness and 81.6% reported examination-related anxiety. Your child could be one of these. Is it now scary enough to grab your attention? We have to understand that mental health is real. And children too get exhausted and tired. We just cannot talk about education without addressing the emotional well-being of our children.The feeling of studying with a large group (like the crowd at Kota and famous coaching centres) makes a child overwhelmed and an environment like that can lead to children feeling disconnected or even anxious. Learning pods, however, offer a close community, where children can bond on a deeper level with both fellow students and teachers.  It is no lie that the emotional support that comes from a small group setting is invaluable. Emotional backing is one of those many benefits of small group learning. When children feel seen and heard, they grow in confidence. They learn to express themselves, ask questions without fear, and build lasting friendships. It’s not just their academic skills that develop; their emotional intelligence and social skills grow beautifully as well- which gives them an all round personality development. 4. A Safe Learning Environment  We all know what happened in 2020. Lives were changed! The COVID-19 pandemic shook the foundations of traditional education. Schools closed their doors, and millions of students had to shift to online learning. During this time, many parents realised that virtual classes just weren’t enough. They lacked the personal connection and real life engagement that kids truly require. That’s when organisations like ApniPathshala came forward with learning pods. That’s when learning pods became a lifeline for many families! With learning pods, parents and teachers could create a safe, small group setting where children continued to learn without the risks of larger classrooms. With lesser students, proper distance and hygiene- learning pods leveraged the benefits of small group learning in a great way. These pods gave parents more involvement in their child’s education,


Do you still imagine education and learning limited to blackboards and books? If yes, then you’re in for a surprise. The phone and laptops that were just used for watching movies and playing video games, are now an important source of learning in schools. Initially a luxury, is now a necessity. Especially post covid. Whatsapp groups, google meets have taken over the traditional schooling system.  Using digital tools in education has changed things in a big way. Schools and colleges are now using technology more and more to improve how teachers teach and how students learn. Digital education is no longer just an extra option-it’s becoming the main part of modern education. What is Digital Learning? Everyone knows what digital education and learning is, right? But, here we aim at exploring different aspects of digital learning in schools. As we all know, digital learning is any type of education that happens through technology. It can include things like online courses, virtual classrooms, and learning apps on your phone. It even includes interactive simulations that make learning feel like a game. Wanna know some more cool things about digital learning?  Why is Digital Learning Growing So Quickly? The rapid growth of digital learning can be attributed to several key reasons: What are the Main Types of Digital Learning? Did you really think digital learning in schools is only about google meets and recorded lectures?  How Will Digital Learning Improve Education? Now you would want to be eager to know how digital education has improved the overall quality of education and schools, right? So without wasting any time, let’s just hop on it. How does ApniPathshala Support Digital Learning? If we’re discussing digital learning in schools, we cannot afford to ignore a particular organisation’s work towards this goal. And that is no one other than our very own Apnipathshala! At ApniPathshala, it’s not just about online lessons-it’s about making sure every child, no matter where they come from, gets access to quality education. Here’s how they are creating a real impact: What are the challenges in Digital Learning? Obviously there is no road to success without challenges. While digital learning in schools presents numerous benefits, it’s not without its challenges. So, I hope we’ve given you a great insight on what digital education is, how digital learning in schools is going in today’s time and how online resources like various e-learning platforms and virtual classrooms have totally changed the time.  Despite the challenges, digital education is thriving and IS THE FUTURE! It is revolutionising the way education is delivered, making it more flexible and accessible. Moreover, with initiatives like ApniPathshala, even students from underserved communities can benefit from this educational revolution. Said before, gonna say it again- the future of education is digital, offering students around the world new ways to learn and grow!

Success Story of Apnipathshala’s Computer Learning Centre at Yusuf Meherally Centre

“Sapno ka sheher”. That’s what they call Mumbai, don’t they? In 1961, one such “sapna” was seen: The Yusuf Meherally Centre! (spoiler alert- it is now a reality).  It was started with a mission to change lives through education. Over the period of time, this dream has spread its wings- going from merely education to digital education in India, reaching the hearts of children across eight states in India. Today, it stands as a pillar of hope, especially in the small village of Bhadreshwar in Kutch, Gujarat, where it has been transforming lives since 1996. The story of hope! With a degree in mass communications and no such plan of going into the field of social service, walking on destiny’s path, Mr. Dharmendra Kumar joined the Centre in 2001. He didn’t come alone. He brought a passion with him- a passion for change. The Centre welcomed children who would otherwise be lost in the shadows—kids of salt factory workers, fishermen, migrants, and industrial laborers. For these children, education wasn’t just a right, it was like a light of hope in a world that often felt dark. Imagine a place where education is completely free, where the only cost is the willingness to learn. That’s what Yusuf Meherally Centre offers to over 3,000 students- 1,000 of whom are Hindi speakers and the rest Gujarati.  But this story isn’t just about numbers, it’s about dreams. It’s about passion. It’s about using that passion to turn those dreams into reality. Bridging the Digital Gap with Apnipathshala As we all know in today’s world, technology plays a huge role in our lives. Digital education in India is the need of the hour. Basically, it won’t be wrong to say that it has become our whole life. As the center started in their early days, they noticed a problem: many government schools had computers, but they weren’t being used. Power cuts, no trained teachers, and other issues were quite frequent. Basically, these computers were just for the show. Nothing more. To fix this, the center teamed up with Apnipathshala to bring computer education to villages where kids had never even used a keyboard before. With this partnership, they targeted a village where the population is good (around 8000) with a total of 8 schools. Initially, they only taught the government-based curriculum, but with changing times they adapted to the change- teaching about new IT skills. Discussing providing kids with access to computers, if we don’t talk about Ms. Neeta Acharya, would be a great injustice. Every day, she travels 50 kilometers to learn and then teach computer skills to kids. For 1.5 hours, these kids, in batches of 35-40, are not just learning how to use a computer, they’re learning to dream. From Co-Education to Social Message Also, Yusuf Mehrally Centre is just not limited to educating kids on computers and IT skills. They are doing work beyond that as well. In a village where co-education was not quite accepted and popular, the center is bringing in the change. They understand that these children will one day step into a world where working with both genders is a necessity. To make sure that they don’t get nervous, they brought co-education in their learning pod.  By encouraging boys and girls to learn together, they’re building a future where gender is not a barrier but a bridge. If we talk about the area, this village is like many others in India mix of communities where most parents have little to no formal education. Farming, labor work, and military service are the usual and basic means to live life. For many parents, schooling looks pointless because they believe their children will end up doing the same jobs they did. But the Centre is slowly changing this mindset. And that is where their real success lies. Every Saturday, the center becomes a place for interaction and learning. Parents come along with their kids, and there’s no formal teaching on this day. Instead, older kids teach the younger ones. It’s a wonderful exchange where building leadership and confidence in these young minds is seen as the main goal. Through these children, the organization also spreads subtle yet powerful messages about important issues like alcohol addiction and domestic violence. They’re raising a generation of kids who think beyond the walls of classes. Success Story from Bhadreshwar Success stories aren’t just about grades or certificates, they’re about real change. And that is what Yusuf Mehrally Center aims at. And, their efforts don’t go into the pits. See this example of a young boy, the son of a truck driver, who became a perfect example of what education can do. He didn’t just learn and do well at the Centre, he started teaching other students too. At the center, in his school, at his home. His success wasn’t just his own, it was a win for the whole village. Everyone celebrated him, his name was on every WhatsApp status, and his parents’ proud tears told a lot more things than words could ever say. It was a moment when people realized that change wasn’t just a dream, it was happening right in front of them! Also, he isn’t just the only one. There are five other kids like him, who once sat in the classroom as just students but now also play the role of teachers and mentors. They are living proof of what the Centre believes: educate a child, and you change a life. And when you change one life, you sow the seed of transforming many such lives. Overcoming Challenges  The road to success isn’t always easy. Challenges are bound to come, that’s inevitable. But, the real success lies in how well you manage it all. Similar has been the case with Yusuf Meherally Centre. Spreading the importance of digital education in India wasn’t that easy. Initially, they faced violent protests from villagers who feared that education would disrupt their traditional ways of life. They thought if their children would

How Learning Pods Can Transform Education in India

Understanding why learning feels like a burden to kids today is really important. If we know what’s causing our kids to feel this way, we can find ways to make learning enjoyable again. It’s not just about getting good grades; it’s about helping kids love learning and feel good about going to school. Going to school used to be tiring earlier as well, but why has it changed over the period of time? Why has it become more toxic? Why have kids started to hate school? According to a report by the World Economic Forum, the current education system was founded at a time when industries needed workers. Back then, workers needed a relatively fixed set of skills and knowledge to do well. In today’s era, this “fixed” mindset is losing its relevance. We are in an era where adaptability and innovative thinking are of most value. Kids today feel a lot of pressure from both parents and teachers to do well in school. Imagine being told over and over again that you have to get the best grades or be at the top of your class. This constant pressure can make kids feel really stressed out and worried about disappointing the adults in their lives. When we talk about the early 90s, kids didn’t feel this pressure. They felt satisfied if they got above 60% in the class. But now the education system has changed how parents, students and teachers think about education and grades. Schools can sometimes feel like a big competition. Kids often compare themselves to their classmates, and there’s a lot of focus on who gets the highest marks or who is the best in different subjects. This competitive atmosphere has made learning feel like a race rather than a fun journey. When the bar is set so high, kids start feeling overwhelmed. High expectations from parents, teachers, and even themselves can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety. They might worry about failing or not being good enough, which takes away the joy of learning and replaces it with fear and pressure. Let’s discuss the reason behind this. Loss of engagement and interest Another reason kids lose interest in school is because it can be really boring. Many schools still use old teaching methods like long lectures and reading from textbooks. Imagine sitting through that without much interaction or fun activities. It’s no wonder kids feel disconnected from what they’re learning. On the other hand, social media, YouTube, and other online content are super engaging and exciting. They grab kids’ attention easily with videos, games, and interactive content. Kids are used to these fun and fast-paced experiences online, so traditional classroom methods just can’t compete. When learning feels like a chore, it’s hard for kids to stay motivated. They need more hands-on activities, group work, and interactive lessons to keep them interested. Schools need to step up and make learning as engaging as the content kids love online. This way, education can be more fun and effective, helping kids stay connected and excited about what they’re learning. Rote Learning vs. Creative Learning Rote learning, where kids just memorise facts without really understanding them, is another problem. It’s like cramming for a test, vomiting everything during the test and then forgetting everything right after. On the other hand, creative learning, which involves exploring ideas, asking questions, and solving problems, is much more engaging. When kids get to be creative, they’re more likely to enjoy learning and remember what they’ve learned. Sometimes, what kids learn in school doesn’t seem to relate to the real world. They might wonder, “When will I ever use this in real life?” If the curriculum doesn’t show how subjects like maths, science, or history apply to everyday life, kids can feel like what they’re learning is pointless. Making connections between school lessons and real-world applications can help spark their interest and make learning more meaningful. School curriculum with added pressure of competitions: Imagine coming home from a long day at school only to face a huge pile of homework. For many kids, this is a daily reality. When there’s too much homework, it can feel overwhelming and exhausting. Instead of having time to relax and recharge, kids are stuck doing schoolwork all evening. While homework alone might not be too much, the real problem starts when you add in competitive exams and coaching classes. Many kids attend extra coaching sessions after school, and these come with their own set of homework and pressure. So, it’s not just school and homework anymore—it’s school, homework, coaching classes, and the homework from those coaching classes. This combination can be incredibly toxic and overwhelming. With so much on their plates, kids often have very little time left for rest or fun activities. Things like sports, hobbies, or just playing with friends are important for a balanced life, but when the curriculum is overloaded with extra coaching, these activities get pushed aside. This lack of downtime can make kids feel burnt out and less excited about learning. All this stress and lack of free time can really take a toll on kids’ health. Physically, they might not get enough exercise or sleep, which are crucial for growing bodies. Mentally, the constant pressure and lack of relaxation can lead to anxiety, depression, and other issues. It’s important for kids to have a balanced lifestyle where they can enjoy learning without it harming their health. Can learning be made interesting in any way? Definitely, every problem has a solution. One way to make learning less of a burden is to focus on holistic education. This means looking at the child as a whole, not just their academic performance. Schools can emphasize the importance of social skills, emotional well-being, and physical health alongside traditional subjects. When kids feel cared for in all aspects of their lives, they are more likely to enjoy learning and do well. Using Technology to bridge the gap: Technology can be a great tool

ApniPathshala: Enhancing Computer Literacy for Better Education in India

Discover how ApniPathshala is transforming education in India through the power of computer literacy, one student at a time.