Apni Pathshala


A New Approach To Study Of Kids Child Youth |

Empowering Digital Education for Children Across India

A child without a computer today is a citizen without opportunities tomorrow.

In India, many children grow up without access to computers, a gap that Apni Pathshala aims to bridge. We are on a mission to establish 100 Apni Pathshala Pods across the country, offering children from all backgrounds the chance to learn and develop computer skills in a safe and supportive environment.

Setting up an Apni Pathshala Pod has been described by many as one of the most rewarding ways to give back to their communities. Teaching is not only a means to educate others but also one of the best ways to learn. Additionally, Apni Pathshala encourages Pods to monetize their facilities when feasible.

All Pods become part of a national network of leaders, educationists, activists, and government officials who collaborate to deliver essential skills and training to thousands of young Indians daily.

Want to start a new ApniPathshala POD?

Starting one is simple! Below is a checklist of qualifiers we review during our due diligence, and all of them are mandatory.

1) Pod Space:

You need to have at-least 200 sq feet of space either owned or rented by you or your organization.

2) Electricity:

At least 6 hours during the day time.

3) Access and Safety:

Located ideally on the ground or first floor with ample space for movement and windows for proper air ventilation.

4) Infrastructure:

You need to have tables, chairs and electrical sockets in place to help deploy the computers immediately.

5) Tables:

Standard Tables with at least 2 sq feet of surface area per computer. Chairs: Comfortable chairs for children to sit, while using the computers.

6) Chairs:

Comfortable chairs for children to sit, while using the computers.

7) Electrical Sockets:

2x electrical sockets per computer (1x for Monitor and 1x for the CPU) – Even extension cords will do.

8) Internet:

You should have at least 10 Mbps internet connection on the premise to help support the computers.

9) Expertise:

You need to have at least one person in your team who is comfortable around computers – can un-box and install new machines – can share regular updates, videos and images from your Pod.

10) Website and Social Media Presence:

We also expect all Apni Pathshala Pods to maintain a website (a simple one pager blog will also do) and social media handles on Twitter and Instagram. This helps the Apni Pathshala pods share their learnings and build in public.


Want to start a new ApniPathshala POD?

Starting one is simple! Below is a checklist of qualifiers we review during our due diligence, and all of them are mandatory.

Pod Space
You need to have at-least 200 sq feet of space either owned or rented by you or your organization.
At least 6 hours during the day time.
Access & Safety
Artificial nail extensions created using acrylic powder and liquid
Social Media Presence
We also expect all Apni Pathshala Pods to maintain a website (a simple one pager blog will also do) and social media handles on Twitter and Instagram. This helps the Apni Pathshala pods share their learnings and build in public.
You need to have tables, chairs and electrical sockets in place to help deploy the computers immediately.
Standard Tables with at least 2 sq feet of surface area per computer. Chairs: Comfortable chairs for children to sit, while using the computers.
Comfortable chairs for children to sit, while using the computers.
Electrical Sockets
2x electrical sockets per computer (1x for Monitor and 1x for the CPU) – Even extension cords will do.
You should have at least 10 Mbps internet connection on the premise to help support the computers.
You need to have at least one person in your team who is comfortable around computers – can un-box and install new machines – can share regular updates, videos and images from your Pod.

How to Start an Apni Pathshala Pod: A Simple Guide

Proposal Submission

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1. Purpose of the Proposal:

  • To request free computers for your organization or school.
  • To enhance your educational capacity through improved access to technology.

2. About Your Organization:

  • History & Mission: Share a brief history and mission statement of your organization.
  • Achievements: Highlight key achievements and the impact your organization has had on the community.
  • Demographics Served: Include details about the students or community members you serve.

3. Needs Assessment:

  • Current Situation: Describe your current technological infrastructure and the challenges faced due to a lack of adequate computer resources.
  • Impact: Explain how the lack of computers affects students, teachers, and the overall learning environment, including specific examples or testimonials.

4. Objectives:

Primary Goal: To enhance educational experiences by integrating more technology into your programs.

5. Project Plan:

  • Implementation Strategy: Explain how the computers will be integrated into your existing infrastructure and which programs or courses will benefit.
  • Timeline: Provide a step-by-step timeline for deploying the computers, including key milestones and expected completion dates.

6. Expected Outcomes:

  • Short-term: Immediate improvements in access to technology, enhanced engagement, and motivation.
  • Long-term: Better educational outcomes and increased opportunities for students to pursue higher education or careers in technology.

7. Sustainability:

  • Maintenance & Support: Describe your plan for maintaining and supporting the new computers, including staff training.
  • Future Funding: Identify potential funding sources for future upgrades or expansions.

8. Conclusion:

  • Summary of Benefits: Recap how the donated computers will positively impact your organization and the community.
  • Call to Action: Request the donation of specific numbers of computers and invite representatives to visit and see the impact firsthand.

9. Attachments:

  • Include any relevant reports, testimonials, or letters of support.

Once a POD proposal is Accepted !

Each POD must undergo three different types of screening protocols.

Once the proposal is accepted, the following primary protocol must be adhered to, and the POD is required to cover all these aspects.
  1. Educational Background:
    • Verify that the organisation has a clear educational focus or mission, demonstrating a commitment to learning, skill development, or educational advancement.
    • Request documentation or information regarding the organisation’s educational programs, initiatives, or beneficiaries.

2. Website Presence:

    • Confirm that the organisation has its own website, providing information about its mission, activities, and impact.
    • Evaluate the quality and relevance of the website content in relation to the organisation’s educational objectives.

3. Social Media Presence:

    • Ensure that the organisation maintains an active presence on social media platforms such as Twitter or Instagram/Facebook.
    • Assess the engagement and relevance of the organisation’s social media content, particularly related to educational initiatives or community outreach.

Additional Considerations:

  • In cases where the organisation lacks a website, offer assistance through student collaboration to develop or enhance their online presence.
  • Prioritise organisations that demonstrate a proactive approach to leveraging technology for educational purposes, including the use of social media for outreach and engagement.

Documentation and Agreement:

  • Require organisations to provide proof of their educational background, website presence, and social media accounts as part of the donation application process.
  • Establish clear terms and conditions regarding the use and maintenance of donated computers, including expectations for utilising technology for educational purposes.

When conducting a primary screening protocol for computer donations, it’s essential to verify the organisation’s educational focus and ensure it has a clear commitment to learning and skill development. Confirm that the organisation has an active website and social media presence, reflecting its educational initiatives and community outreach. In cases where a website is lacking, offer assistance to develop or enhance their online presence. Additionally, require documentation and establish clear terms for the use of donated computers to ensure they are effectively utilised for educational purposes.

Once the primary protocol is completed, every POD must follow and submit the required elements of the secondary protocol.

1. Mission Alignment:

  • Assess whether the mission and goals of the organisation align with the purpose of the Apni Pathshala.
  • Ensure that the organisation’s activities and objectives resonate with the values and objectives of the donation initiative.

2. Legal Compliance:

  • Verify that the organisation is legally registered and compliant with relevant local, state, and national regulations.

3. Capacity and Need:

  •  Evaluate the organisation’s capacity to effectively utilise and maintain the donated computers.
  • Determine the specific need for computers within the organisation and how they will contribute to achieving its objectives.
4. Sustainability Plan:
  • Request information on the organisation’s sustainability plan for managing and maintaining the donated computers in the long term.
  • Ensure that the organisation has adequate resources and infrastructure to support ongoing computer use and maintenance.
5. Beneficiary Impact:
  • Assess the potential impact of the computer donation on the organisation’s beneficiaries or target population.
  • Determine how access to computers will enhance educational, vocational, or other relevant opportunities for the beneficiaries.
6. Accountability and Reporting:
  • Establish clear expectations for reporting on the utilisation and impact of the donated computers, including regular updates and feedback.
7. Documentation and Agreement:
  • Maintain thorough documentation of the screening process, including communication with the organisation and any supporting documents.
  • Establish a formal agreement or memorandum of understanding outlining the terms and conditions of the computer donation.
8. Plan of Action Submission :
  • A 2-month plan of action with clear objectives must be submitted.
  • Every POD is required to provide a detailed plan outlining their goals and objectives for the next two months in the document.

The secondary screening protocol for computer donations involves assessing the organisation’s alignment with Apni Pathshala’s mission and ensuring legal compliance. It’s crucial to evaluate the organisation’s capacity and specific need for the donated computers, along with their sustainability plan for long-term maintenance. Additionally, assess the potential impact on beneficiaries and set clear expectations for accountability and reporting. Finally, maintain thorough documentation and establish a formal agreement outlining the terms of the donation, including a two-month action plan with clear objectives.

Tertiary Protocol, also known as the KYC of the PODs: All PODs are required to complete this process by answering all the questions in the document. A document with both questions and their answers must be created and submitted.

Please Note

We deliver desktop machines along with peripherals. These are made in India. Educational computers are from www.selligion.com.

Our POD coordinator will be there to guide you once you become part of ApniPathshala. They will provide guidance at every step of the way—they are our champions. All active PODs maintain close communication with our team, providing regular updates on their activities. Our team is committed to supporting and ensuring that education and learning opportunities reach those who may not otherwise have access to computers. We encourage all PODs to share their experiences publicly to inspire others to join this initiative.

Contact Us

Where to Submit Your ApniPathshala Plan and Join Our Mission

If you are ready to submit all the plans mentioned above and are committed to providing real digital education to students in need, and if you meet our requirements to start an ApniPathshala, please email Mr. Sagar Tiwari at sagar@apnipathshala.org .