Apni Pathshala

What traditional schools can’t provide, ApniPathshala can.

The reason the education system in India is broken is that it forces kids to cram.  Rather than just emphasising memorisation and regurgitation during exams, the system should focus more on the overall development of the student, assist them in discovering their true skills, and provide support so that they can pursue the activities that they truly love and enjoy, rather than judging themselves solely on the basis of grades. Worldwide, a large number of parents are dissatisfied with the current teaching strategies and are looking for alternate learning environments, many of which include learning pods. Learning pods come in a variety of shapes and use a range of educational strategies. Regardless of the format, all pods work to close the gap left by the educational system. Our children need to engage in more in-depth learning if they are to succeed in the twenty-first century. ApniPathshala is here to offer new hope in the education system for a better future. Below are some of the education methods that are used worldwide for running learning pods. Montessori method One educational approach that emphasises active learning, group play, and self-direction is Montessori. A teacher oversees the children while also engaging them in a variety of activities that are age-appropriate and generally directing the learning process. The Montessori approach encourages kids to make independent, creative decisions and take responsibility for their actions. Typically, Montessori classrooms are specially created spaces that serve kids in a specific age range (it is noteworthy that traditional grade divisions are not considered to be the best way to teach children). Every object in a Montessori learning pod is specifically positioned to foster a child’s intellectual growth. By interacting with their surroundings and drawing logical conclusions with the aid of their teacher, Montessori students learn at their own pace. Depending on the child’s age, the learning objectives change a little. The main emphasis is on encouraging confidence and trust in oneself and the environment, as well as on the development of coordination, language, and fine motor abilities. The Montessori approach encourages mental development through transparent communication and natural outcomes. Reggio Emilia method The widely used educational philosophy known as Reggio Emilia was developed in northern Italy. In essence, it is a technique for observing what fascinates kids naturally, what challenges them, and what they already know. Teachers document their observations in writing, and then they analyse those records to come up with strategies for assisting students in realising their full social and academic potential. The teachers’ approach to their students is what distinguishes this method. Children are seen as knowledgeable, capable, inquisitive, and competent. Teachers build the learning environment in a way that will enable their students to realise their potential since they are well aware of it. The Reggio Emilia model also promotes communication and teamwork. A key element of the Reggio Emilia method is the learning environment. The activities that children participate in are carefully designed by the teachers in typical Reggio Emilia classrooms, which are well-organized. And in these challenging times, many thoughtful parents throughout the world are choosing Reggio Emilia learning pods. Waldorf education method A well-known method of instruction that was created about a century ago in Europe is called Waldorf education. Since then, it has been adopted by about 1000 schools and 2000 early childhood programmes throughout more than 60 nations. The threefold learning process is the cornerstone of Waldorf education. These three factors are: engaging the head (thinking), engaging the heart (feeling), and engaging the hands (doing). Academic topics, the arts, and practical skills are all incorporated into the curriculum. Since 1928, Waldorf education has been offered in the United States, and it has grown in favour among parents who are fed up with the stress of the numerous, high-stakes assessments that currently support the traditional educational system. Parents who are concerned about the over-reliance of future generations on technology have also started to favour the strategy. Notably, many CEOs in the IT industry are choosing low-tech Waldorf schools to educate their own children because they believe the approach has long-term advantages. The common denominator for all these methods is they put the student in charge of their own learning, so that learning becomes fun and meaningful

Peer-to-peer learning is the magic sauce in ApniPathshala

Learning as a community Why you should study with friends !  A peer is just a fancy name for a friend, and the ideal way to define peer-to-peer learning is as learning from and with each other. In learning pods, peer-to-peer learning can be an essential component of a student’s progress. Through an exchange of ideas, taking part in activities, working together, and exchanging comments, children gain a source of encouragement.  In learning pods, students learn how to create, coordinate, collaborate, and assess their own learning by teaching their friends, and learning from them.  Benefits of peer-to-peer learning Peer-to-Peer learning methods Peer Tutoring At learning pods an older student can help teach a junior or less skilled student. In this situation, the older student gains from the peer tutoring scenario because they consolidate the knowledge they already possess (the best way to learn is to teach). Peer tutoring helps the more accomplished learner by sharpening their understanding while it also helps the other students catch up to them. Discussion Seminars Discussion seminars typically follow a lecture or organized study method. The discussion seminar’s goal is to allow the learning pod peers to discuss the subject they have just learned about at school. Discussion seminars are meant to encourage students to speak up whenever they feel they have something significant to say. The kids may be given a stimulus question or item by their learning pod mentor. The students use that prompt as a starting point for a discussion of the complexities, inconsistencies, and characteristics of the subject at hand. Peer Support Groups Peer support groups typically lack a teacher’s presence and are frequently planned by peers themselves. A peer study group can help students stay motivated as tests or assignment deadlines approach. Collaboration among students helps prevent boredom, distraction, and frustration. Peers can help each other overcome obstacles and mental blocks. A student has somebody to bounce ideas off of and who can offer assistance and justifications when studying. Collaborative Projects Group project work frequently involves collaborative efforts. They entail gathering students to work on a challenge that the teacher has given them. Techniques like problem-based learning and problem-posing education, collaborative projects are quite popular nowadays.Benefits could result from students cooperating on collaborative projects, such asNegotiating abilities.Ability to share skills.Interdependence (we swim or sink together)Collaborations between small groups, such as pairs, and big groups are possible to organize at learning pods. Peer Assessment Schemes Students grade one other’s work and provide feedback as part of peer evaluation methods. The advantages of peer assessment programmes include:Being able to observe how other students approached the assignment.Gaining an understanding of the thought processes and study techniques employed by other students.Teachers in learning pods can use this technique to enable the critical thinking of their students. It is tremendously helpful to engage in peer interaction, and teach and learn from others. Often a child will be a far better teacher than a professional teacher because they can communicate far more clearly and simply , because they are both as the same level! A learning pod provides peer connections that are crucial for the learning and overall development of a child.

ApniPathshala: The Future of Education. To create a big difference, let’s start small.

ApniPathshala: The Future of Education. By starting small, we aim to create a significant impact. Join us in transforming education with innovative and accessible learning solutions.

A guide to setting up community-based learning pods

Establishing a successful learning pod begins with clarifying your goals, selecting a curriculum, creating conducive spaces, fostering a supportive learning environment, taking on the role of a teacher, and inviting like-minded families to join in.